Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last Post from Australia

This may be my last post from Sydney, Australia. Wow. What a ride. 60+ posts. Two countries (New Zealand and Australia). Four States (New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland). Various Aussie clients. And a couple pounds of kangaroo meat.

Not too much going on this week since the Hunter Valley Tour. I took it somewhat easy on Monday. After work I hit up the gym for the last time (contract is up) and did some laundry. I also got out my suitcases to start the packing process. I also decided to head to Tap House for a beer and do some more work (wrapping things up this last week).

Today I went to the Opera House after work. One of the partners at my firm gets free tickets to this Sydney Writers' Festival. He offered them to the first takers and I decided to go for it. Seeing the Opera House up close was really the last major thing on my Sydney bucket list. It wasn't going to be in the actual opera house part, but just in another room (Playhouse). Still cool to be there and to hear the author talk (might buy his book for the flight back). Here are some quick snaps I took.

I think I'll go ahead and end on that. I might post tomorrow or once I land, but this is essentially the end. It's been an amazing experience. However, I am also excited to go home to my friends, family, co-workers, and, of course, my fiancee.