Saturday, June 29, 2013

Landed in Sydney

And here's to my first post from Sydney, Australia. Minus the tearful goodbye to Michelle and the obscene bag fee from United, my flight went well. However, I believe China Airlines was better when we flew to Singapore and Vietnam... But whatever, I made it here safely!

The lines at customs were huge. Apparently 7 international flights landed at about the same time. No problems there, though. On a somewhat funny note, I noticed signs posted around the customs area that said no cameras or cell phones in that area per the Customs Act 1901. Seemed odd to me that over a 100 years ago the Australian government banned cell phones...

It was pouring outside at about 8am when I finally got my bags and through customs and to the car that took me to my apartment. I'll post pictures of it later.

The first thing I did was hang up my clothes and put some things away (slightly annoyed that the hangers provided were crappy wire hangers, but that might also make me super pretentious). Later tonight I'll have to iron my shirts for my first day of work.

I next went for a little run to explore my area a bit. I'm staying in the City Center, which is kind of like the financial district, so things are a little dead at 10am on Sunday. Another thing I noticed, Google Maps wildly prepared me for what my immediate streets looked like. Just 2 blocks away I found a Westpac ATM and withdrew some cash. BofA has deal with them, so no bank fees. Woo hoo!

Next I found a little coffee shop with free wi-fi. Score! My apartment doesn't have wi-fi, which I find really odd. I guess my work is going to provide me with one of those 3G cards you plug into your laptop. Sounds brutally slow, but oh well. Anyway, I don't get that until tomorrow, so I was excited to find this coffee shop. Got some bacon and eggs (although it was Canadian bacon, which I still enjoy). The coffee is good, too, but realized it's $4.

Time to sign off and go walking around the city some more. I'll make my next post a little more exciting by adding some photos.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Today's the Day

Whew. All packed for my trip. I leave for the airport in 3 hours. Got all my dress shirts, suits, shoes, swimsuit, etc packed. It's been a crazy build up to this moment. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity, and then the best thing is I come right back to the States for my bachelor party then wedding! Woo hoo!

I also look forward to keeping this blog updated the best I can. I think the first thing I'll do, once I get my Internet situation sorted out in Sydney, is to fix this template. I just looked at my blog as visitors see it and it's not the most masculine thing ever...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Blog Officially Started

First there was critically aclaimed

Then there was the failed sequal

And now there's Bachelor In Australia (because some S.O.B took Chad In Australia...).

Anyway, I've been meaning to start my blog. This post is really just meant to kick things off. More detail and insight to follow. From a high-level, my firm is sending me on a secondment (I swear that's a made up word that means "rotation" or "exchange program") to work for our office in Sydney. I'll be there for 3 months (I leave June 28 and return Oct 3). The timing is perfect. Perfect in the sense that I abandon my fiancée for 3 months just before our October wedding. But don't be quick to judge! I've helped already. We got the venue, hotels, DJ, photographer, tux, food, and beer already picked out.

Well, I should start heading to bed. With leaving this Friday, I have a lot to do between packing (should probably start that) and wrapping up work. I look forward to sharing information on my secondment (while keeping in mind that this is the Internet where everything is public), the stress of finalizing wedding plans, and the what I expect to be an amazing work experience over the next several weeks.