Monday, June 24, 2013

Blog Officially Started

First there was critically aclaimed

Then there was the failed sequal

And now there's Bachelor In Australia (because some S.O.B took Chad In Australia...).

Anyway, I've been meaning to start my blog. This post is really just meant to kick things off. More detail and insight to follow. From a high-level, my firm is sending me on a secondment (I swear that's a made up word that means "rotation" or "exchange program") to work for our office in Sydney. I'll be there for 3 months (I leave June 28 and return Oct 3). The timing is perfect. Perfect in the sense that I abandon my fiancée for 3 months just before our October wedding. But don't be quick to judge! I've helped already. We got the venue, hotels, DJ, photographer, tux, food, and beer already picked out.

Well, I should start heading to bed. With leaving this Friday, I have a lot to do between packing (should probably start that) and wrapping up work. I look forward to sharing information on my secondment (while keeping in mind that this is the Internet where everything is public), the stress of finalizing wedding plans, and the what I expect to be an amazing work experience over the next several weeks.

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