Thursday, August 29, 2013

Comedy Night

Just got back from the Star Casino. Met up with a few co-workers to enjoy a comedy night there. It was at Rock Lily, a bar in the casino. The first two guys were all right (eh, well, the first guy was kinda terrible), but the last guy was pretty funny. Pretty angry about Subway and Bunnings (Aussie Home Depot). And really crude. Lots of swearing, with the "C" word sprinkled around for good measure. A lot of Aussie sayings and jokes, too. Got most of it, I think.

The bar had a special on pitchers (jugs) of beer for just $10. I also had the $9.50 fish tacos (3 of them). They were tiny and, um, not so good. I'll have to hit up some Mexican food when I get back to the States.

This morning I had to catch my first bus to my client. I first had to go to 7-11 to buy a bus pass (a lot of the buses, especially during rush hour, require you to pre-purchase a ticket). I then waited nice and early for my bus. Now, there was a bus that pulled up and kind of blocked my view. I looked down at my phone then looked up and my bus, 618, just blew on by. Nooooooooooooo.

Ok, another one is coming in 15 minutes. I made sure to keep my eyes open to signal the driver. Around the time when my bus was supposed to come, another bus (very busy street) pulled up and parked in front of the stop. As this happened, 2 other buses drove by and I didn't catch their numbers. Shoot, was one of those 618? Figuring I'd never actually get on this bus, it finally started pulling up and I successfully signaled it to get on. However, I now had to figure out when I needed to get off. I asked the bus driver about 30 minutes in and he said that this is the last stop. Oh, well I better get off (although a lot of people remained on the bus, so I don't think it was the last stop...).

Thankfully, I had my phone with Google Maps to finish navigating to the client. Turns out I had about a 20 minute walk ahead of me. Whew. At least I made it.

Tomorrow (Friday) marks another person's last day at the firm, so there's a little work party. I'll go to that after my client. Then on Saturday I'm hosting an "American" party. Should be fun.

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