Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hungry Jack's

That's weird. I swear I hit "publish" on my "Wine Wednesday" post, but I guess I didn't. Oh well, double the reading pleasure today for my faithful followers.

What do you think of when you see this?

If you said Scary Canary, you're about 2 weeks to late on that worn out joke. However, if you said Burger King, you're on to something. Let's take a closer look at the menu.

Does that say Whopper in the top left?!
Indeed. Hungry Jack's is the Aussie Burger King. After work today I thought I'd cash in on my overtime meal for a good ol' fashion fast food burger.

Mmmm... $10 worth of fast food....
Does this triple bacon cheeseburger seem small to you?
It was a tasty burger and satisfied my craving.

Now, you may be asking, why the hay is this called Hungry Jack's and not Burger King? Well, I did some investigative reporting and it turns out that the first Hungry Jack's opened in 1971. When Burger King looked to open a place in Australia, some restaurant already trademarked Burger King. So Burger King decided to go with Hungry Jack's. And it's been that way ever since.

Time for me to finish my backing for Adelaide. I'll be there from Friday evening to Sunday. I've booked a tour of Barossa (Buh-ross-uh), a wine region, for Saturday. So stay tuned for exciting posts regarding a new area of Australia.

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