Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wine Wednesday

I only have a few days left at my current client. I've been working longer hours there, but it has 1 benefit: it has an espresso machine. One of my co-workers used to work at a bar that had one. I learned how to operate it and make myself some tasty long blacks (Americanos).

So tasty
Tonight we had "Wine Wednesday." We were going to meet in the park, but it was raining (I got soaked on my walk home from work). So I did an audible and told everyone to just meet at my place. It was a great time. I channeled my inner Michelle (my fiancee) and talked about different wine regions, taste descriptions, and even how to read labels (pretty sure I learned all that from either her or going on wine tastings with her). I think everyone had a great time. Had some great wines, too. There were 5 of us and we cracked open 2 bottles. The best was the Shiraz. I'm thinking of bringing a bottle of it home. Great wine. Had a nice black pepper taste with a little hint of plum/black cherry.

The middle one was the best. We didn't crack open the Chardonnay
I foresee a few more Wine Wednesdays ahead of us.

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