Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Melbourne - pt 2

Ah, I forgot to mention that after the AFL game, I stopped by Lord of the Fries. It's a local burger chain that has some tasty burgers. Also has some "American" sauces, such as the East LA and KC BBQ sauce.
Anyway, I was still getting over being sick, so I didn't venture out that night. But the next morning on Sunday I went back into the center of the city to see some more sights. I first stopped at the National Gallery of Victoria (yes, there are 2 locations).

It had more older art than the first gallery. Some Asian art and some European art. I thought this installation was cool. It's porcelain bowls floating around in water. Every now and then they bump, making a "ting" noise. Guards had to stay on top of the tourist and tell them not to touch the bowls.

I also stopped by the Victoria Market. Had all types of things: fish, meat, produce, wines, athletic gear, etc.

I next started making my way to Lygon street. Lots of eateries there, especially Italian food. However, I didn't really feel like Italian food, so I gave some Vietnamese pho a try. Not too bad. I still think it's better in San Jose, CA (and a lot cheaper, too. I paid $9 for a bowl of it here).

Along the way I also stopped and got this.

I also enjoyed a Jamba Juice-type place (I forget the name of it). That was also obscenely expense, but such is the state of life in Australia. Food (and everything else) is really expensive.

But check out this bar I passed. Notice anything in the background?

And this sign was interesting. They apparently don't want 457 visas... I believe I'm here in Australia on a 457 visa...

Is that a thumb in the bottom left corner...?

And that about sums up my trip to Melbourne. It really was a cool city. I wish I was feeling better, but glad I still got to see it. I made it home all right (slight hiccup at the airport) and work has been going well so far this week. I hope to do a few things during the week and then see Sydney some more this weekend. Feels good to be feelin' better.

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