Thursday, August 1, 2013

Off to Christchurch

Well, I put in some long hours and was able to finish the work assigned to me this week. That means I earned my trip to Christchurch, New Zealand! Woo hoo! I just finished packing. I'm trying to pack light.

I made sure to pack the $4.60 in NZD my sister gave me from her study abroad in Auckland.

This will be one of my last hurrahs by myself backpacking and staying at a hostel. I suppose I'm probably getting close to being over this stage in life. But I'm really looking forward to this trip. It will be fun to just bum around a city for the weekend. I'll get to see a city rebuilding itself after a devastating earthquake in 2011. I'm also thinking of seeing the International Antarctic Centre. There's supposed to be good wine and eats in Christchurch, too. (Side note: Does anyone else find Christchurch a rather hard city name to say?)

I should head to bed, though. I got to catch an early train to the airport. I'll share all about the trip upon my return to Sydney on Sunday evening. Cheers!

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