Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Election over soon

Less than 30 days until I make my way home. And another milestone hit: more than 1,000 views on my blog. Woo hoo! I suppose it's probably not THAT many views for 50+ posts, but it's not like I'm in some competition here.

Also, it's just a few days until the Australian election. It's looking like the Liberal party and their leader Tony Abbott are going to win if you believe all the latest polls. I've been able to pick up some things while watching TV, but not that in tune with the politics here. Also, with the two main parties being called Liberal and Labour, plus the main "secondary" party called the Greens, I have no idea who I would vote for. Thankfully, there's a handy Vote Compass sponsored by the Australian Broadcasting Company. Apparently I'm closest to the Liberal party. Interesting.

One last thing, I was reading through the board minutes of my one client and this was at the beginning:

"The Board acknowledged the traditional owners of the land where this meeting is held and their elders past and present."

I thought that was kind of funny or peculiar. I asked one of my co-workers and she said that yeah, all/most board minutes start out that way. And I guess in school, almost like our Pledge of Allegiance, they start off the day saying something similar. It's a way to acknowledge the Aborigines who were here first.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I bet everyone is Googling "Aussie Bachelor" and coming up with your blog! Er..., I mean, I'm sure your content is quite popular...

    -- Carrie :)
