Thursday, September 5, 2013


Happy Friday! Last day riding the bus to my current client. We'll see where my client is next week. Hopefully a bit closer to the CBD. But these past two weeks have gone pretty well.

The main cable provider here is Foxtel (from what I've gathered). They have this one ad that talks about not having to wait weeks or even days for the hottest shows from the US. Yep, you can get shows like Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Sons of Anarchy, etc "express from the US" in just 48 hours. Um... 48 hours = 2 days. Which, by definition, means you are waiting "days" for the hottest shows from the US. You can't just convert it to hours to make it seem shorter.

Tonight is Casino Night at the office (playing with fake money). That should be fun. A lot of the co-workers I know will be going to that. No set plans yet for the weekend, but it should be nice weather. Looks like it should get up to 88 degrees (31 degrees Celsius) tomorrow. Thinking I should hit up the beach. I haven't really done that yet since I've been here.

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