Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Winery

Today after work a few of us went to a wine bar in Surry Hills (area of Sydney). This was to keep up with the Wine Wednesday tradition.

We went to The Winery. A fun and cool place. Complete with cowhide chairs and love seats to sit on. Great, hip vibe.

I ordered a bottle of Shiraz from Barossa. Fruity, with a raspberry/cherry flavor with a lot of spice (black pepper I'd say). Really enjoyable and easy to drink.

Gotta love that low light setting
I also ordered a little bit of food. We then started having fun and taking pictures. Seeing how it was really dark, I realized we needed another light source. So I used the candle in the middle of the table.

Towards the end, the waiter informed us that they were having a free Riesling tasting. Well, we couldn't turn that down, could we? It was great and informative. I don't typically like Rieslings because they are a little too sweet from me. However, I learned that German Rieslings (the most typical/traditional type) are sweeter, but Aussie ones are dryer. We tried an Aussie one, California one (from Monterey) and a German one. I really liked the Australian one. It was nice and dry and mineral-ly. Great wine.

So another successful wine night. Tomorrow we go to the planetarium to see the Southern Hemisphere! Then I gotta pack for my weekend trip to the Great Barrier Reef!

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