Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kings Cross and Dodge Ball - 50th post

And welcome to my 50th post post! Last night was a success in two ways. First, people had a great time at the American party I hosted. Afterwards, we ventured out to Kings Cross (district in the city. I'll mention more later). The bar we went to was called Santa Barbara: The Californian.

Although, I did learn today that last night, to make a long and currently incomplete story to me short, two co-workers were hit by a motorcycle as they left the bar. However, it sounds like they're ok, so that's good.

The other good part about last night: it was the first time in over a week I didn't wake up in a cold sweat. Woo hoo!

Anyway, today I went back to Kings Cross to have a look around during the day. It has a reputation for being the party part of the city. It's also where Darlinghurst Road is. It's a slightly seedy couple of blocks with strip clubs and other adult stores. Apparently there are brothels around there, too. Prostitution is legal here.

But apart from the dirty section, it has some fun looking bars, restaurants, and architecture. Lots of Victorian, Georgian, and Romanesque-style buildings (and no, I don't really know the differences between those, but that's what my guide book says).

And a fountain
And checkout what else I saw:
This still exists?? I guess Aussies like to "hire" videos

All said, it was a fun time walking around this area. Really cool. And gorgeous weather. It got up to 79 degrees.
I did walk by this rental car store. I have no idea why it is called what it is. It must be some sort of Aussie reference to... something?
No birds? what the heck?
And I just got back from playing some dodge ball with about 15 co-workers. It was awesome and a good workout. It was at a place that hosts these events and tournaments. We got to see two teams play before our scheduled time, and it brought back memories of the movie Dodge Ball.
Now, apparently, because I'm an American everyone assumed I was really good at this game. I mean, I don't think I've ever actually played "dodge" ball. In gym/PE we'd play variations of it with 30 kids (dungeon ball comes to mind), so I guess I have some experience. But, whoa, that's a lot of pressure. Thankfully, I impressed enough, so I didn't let my country/American stereotype down.
And today marked the start of college football! I think I will have a better chance of catching some college games while I'm here rather than NFL games (NFL games are on Monday afternoon Sydney time). Thankfully, my Huskers won (although not as convincingly as I'd like).

Before I wrap this post up, I'd like to wish all the dads out there happy Father's Day. September 1st is Father's Day in Australia.

I'll end with the latest sign I found in the elevator:

Come on, guys...

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