Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Frankie's Pizza

Today after work I met up with a buddy to head to Frankie's Pizza. Wow, this place really surprised me. One part tries to be an old fashion Italian pizza place. But you walk through a door and the other part becomes a type of metal-music playing bar. And the beer they serve is great. They even had the Green Flash IPA (one of my favorite beers; hails from San Diego).

With the pizza I ordered I also asked for a Red Duck Pale Rider.

This was a tasty pale ale. Of the American pale ale tradition. Red Duck brewery is from Victoria. Success! I found a truly tasty Aussie micro brewery (although I noticed this place also served some NZ beers, too).

I struck up a conversation with one of the bartenders (had long, rocker-style hair and tattoos. He definitely fit in with the theme of Metallic posters). He mentioned some other good places I could go for some beers and that Frankie's was getting a new shipment in next week. Loving this.
I then tried a Grifter Pale Ale (Sydney brewery).

Wow! So tropical and floral. A fantastic beer. I should have never lost hope. There's good beer to be found everywhere.

Yes, I indulged and capped the night off with a Prickly Moses Red Ale. Very caramel-y. Not my favorite of the 3 (that's probably the Grifter), but a good beer.

Well, it just took 2.5 months, but found awesome beers in Sydney!

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