Sunday, July 14, 2013

Aquarium and more

Last night after the zoo I worked out and then headed to Darling Harbor. Every Saturday at 8:30 they shoot off fireworks.

It was a great show. I then met up with the other secondees and we ended up going out to... not the Scary Canary.

We actually sipped on a bottle of wine and watched some cricket (which, yes, I still have to write about). Then we decided to just go walk around and check out a bar for a drink. While walking we passed by Goodgod. It seemed to be bumping some good beats and had no cover, so we decided to go in. We were later joined by a co-worker. She's more into ladies and around 2am suggested we go check out a gay bar on Oxford St. Apparently Oxford is like Sydney's Castro district. Being from San Francisco, I figured I should at least just check it out. Her offering to cover the cab fare sealed the deal.

We ended up going to a place called the Colombian. As the four of us are walking to go to the club upstairs, there's a heterosexual couple making out in the stairwell. Interesting to see in a gay bar... When we reached the top, I thought, hmm... there seems to be a lot of seemingly heterosexual couples here. I've been to a gay bar in the Castro (long story) and I remember there being just a ton of dudes. Not really the case here. Heck, I even had to save some of the ladies I was with from some creepy guys hitting on them. I guess it was too bad for my co-worker that this bar didn't really live up to what she thought it was.

Moving on from that, the same co-worker said there's an awesome Mexican place called Zambreros. As she was in line to order a burrito, I figured, what the heck. I should have a burrito in Sydney to see what it's like.

Once again, blurry because it's dark and I had to zoom in with my camera phone
As we're picking out salsa, my co-worker asks the employee "is it 'chipotle?'" The employee kind of paused, clearly not sure how to pronounce it, and I said, "Well, as the North American here, I can say it's pronounced 'chipotle.'" That should have been the omen for me. It was not a good burrito. And thus ended what turned out to be a 5am night (shoot, I thought I'd just be out until midnight or 1).

Anyway, on Sunday we went to the city aquarium. It was cool and worth a visit. Some various pictures I took:

Later today the same 4 of us that went out on Saturday night met up for dinner at our co-worker's apartment. I then headed home and here I am. It's about time for bed. The start of a new week. First thing we have some training at the office then I start a new client.

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