Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth/Fifth of July

Happy Fourth of July! USA! USA! Of course, it's July 5th as I write this. My yesterday, your today (goodness, that's getting confusing) I celebrated the Fourth by meeting up with the other secondees (secondees = people from an office from another country, like me. Just what we're called. I think it's a British term...?). We ended up going to that place I posted about earlier. It was a good time. They even had some American craft beers. I had the Bridgeport IPA from Portland.

Regarding work, that's going well. The pace so far is much more laid back, which is nice. I see things picking up in the near future. We finished our planning work at the client this week. We'll head back in August or so to wrap up the job. For now, I'll miss the train ride out to the suburb of North Ryde where the client is. It was a nice, new train. The ride feels like a Disneyland ride. So smooth, quite, and through trees, over the water. Great views.

Everyone is excited because today (Friday) is the end of the fiscal year party (yearend for our firm is June 30). Apparently it will be a good time. Also, we get to wear jeans or "smart casual" today rather than the typically required suit. This excites everyone, but I don't know why. I'm liking having to wear a suit everyday.
I'm excited for this party because I'll finally get to meet everyone from the office. Maybe I'll figure out where I should go to watch the epic Australia vs GB rugby game that is being played on Saturday. More to come on that later.

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