Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fish Market and Visit to Manly

This morning I went out to the fish market to check it out. Along my way, I stumbled upon this sign. No idea what it's about...

Finally made it to the fish market (got a little lost). Not huge by any means, but still really cool and worth the visit.

It was cool to see the different species sold, including:
Yes, bugs. I knew that our word "bug" was technically some kind of lobster sea creature, but I never saw a "real" bug before. They are ugly...

I picked up some green beans, a lemon, and a marlin steak. The marlin steak was only $5, which I thought was a pretty good deal, especially in Sydney. Made for a tasty dinner tonight:
It turned out tasty. However, the green beans were mostly burned. The pots and pans in my apartment aren't the greatest. Neither is the electric stove...

Later in the afternoon, a couple of us went to visit Manly, a town to the north of Sydney. We took a ferry there.
Beautiful 20 - 25 min ride there (although the bus ride back was much faster...). Once there, we first got some fish and chips:
We then headed out on the scenic 10km walk. At the beginning were these adorable signs:
Although we saw no penguins

The trail was a mix of beach, paved paths, muddy walkways through trees, and over some rocks.
We even saw this terrifying spider:
About a 3 inch body
At first I thought it was a funnel spider, but no idea what it was. I just know it was huge and in a massive web just to the side of the trail.
We got a little turned around on the hike and unnecessarily walked up these million stairs.
But we finally made it back, seeing this cute little guy a little before the end.

1 comment:

  1. Chad, I am enjoying reading your blogs...keep them coming. Love, Pat
