Saturday, July 20, 2013

El Loco Mexican Restaurant

Sheesh, I see mailboxes everywhere, but when I want to send a postcard, can't find one? Well, I guess that isn't entirely true. Finally found one on my way to the gym. After my workout this morning I fried up some chicken. Got to make sure I get my protein in for the wedding. I purchased 2kg (~4 lbs) of seasoned chicken (only $11!) and I don't really have containers to keep it in, so I had to fry it all up.

second batch

Yesterday (Friday) was the last day for a couple co-workers. For lunch everyone in the office went to a Mexican restaurant called El Loco (it's actually just across the street from my apartment). Intrigued, I of course went along.

The place had a good vibe going. Looking at the menu, I see the tacos are $6 each. I asked my co-worker how big he thinks they are. He goes, "hmm... for $6 they must be pretty small." Shoot, I was thinking $6 for a taco; they must be pretty big!

The menu had standard tacos, including carne asada and al pastor. Those sounded good, so I turned to the waitress and said, "I'll have a carne asada and al pastor taco." She paused and said, "That's the beef and pork, right...?" Oh boy.

To be fair, the tacos were pretty good. I was impressed. Even had some hot habanero sauce I could put on them.

Afterwards, I headed back to work (after someone bought me a Corona). Seems like everyone was having some sort of drink (although I later found out that not everyone returned to work after lunch).

At 5pm, it was time for that weekly Sydney tradition of free beers in the kitchen (I still don't understand why the beers are Peronis...). After having one, met up with people at The Loft. There was an after-work event to further celebrate the people who were leaving the firm. This is when I found out a lot of people kept drinking at lunch all the way through the remaining workday. Most were feeling pretty good, a few were a couple sheets to the wind, but it was fun to hang out more with co-workers. I decided to head home around 10:30 or so. On Saturday I'll be going to a wildlife preserve where I can pet koalas and kangaroos. We're also hosting a secondee party Saturday night. Apparently the stereotype is that all American drink out of red Solo cups. So gotta go fulfill that.

(Editor's Note: Finished this post after going to the wildlife park. I'll post about that later)

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