Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grocery Update

Update to previous blog post

I totally forgot to talk about the one actually funny thing that happened while at the grocery store last night. I bought some bread and cheese to make sandwiches. All I needed was some meat. I went to the counter and asked the lady for 1kg of ham, thinking 1kg = 0.5 lb instead of 1kg = 2 lb. The lady grabbed a whole pile of ham, threw it on the scale, and as it read 0.65 kg, went to get more ham. I was like, whoa whoa whoa! No, um, actually, I'll take a half kg. You know what, make it 250 grams. The lady looked at me kind of funny then asked me something pretty embarrassing.

"Where are you from?"

Shoot. I've been figured out. Might as well own it.

"The U.S."

"Ah, yeah. the converting and kg can get confusing." doh.

Well, it's 2:30pm. Which means it's only 2.5 hours to what I'm currently calling "workplace happy hour." Apparently every Friday at 5pm they break out beers and sparkling wine for employees.

1 comment:

  1. Chad, I really enjoy your life right now. Take care! Love, Pat
