Monday, July 15, 2013


Today at lunch I thought I'd give Oporto a try. I've seen it a few places. One Aussie described it as a fancy McDonald's (or Mackers, as they call it here).

I got the double chicken sandwich, regular fry, and 450mL of Fanta for $10.50. It was tasty, and I think the fries were sprinkled with a little bit of sugar.
On a different note, I've been watching some TV at night for a couple weeks now and I've noticed a number of ads from the Australian government (at the end it says something like, "brought to you by the Australian Government of Canberra", or something like that. Canberra is the capital of Australia and is an Aborigine word for "meeting place"). These ads talk about education, passing laws to increase Australian jobs, the superannuation, and various government programs. I can't think of any such advertisements in the States. Seems a little propaganda-y to me.
You probably read the word "superannuation" above and had no idea what I was talking about. I don't think I touched on this yet (too lazy to check previous posts). When I first got to Sydney, I noticed a lot of advertisements from banks, etc about helping people with their "super." Turns out that's short for superannuation. Basically, about 9% of your salary is held and put in a fund and you can get it when you retire. It's similar to a 401(k), but it's compulsory. I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it's restricting people on what they can do with money they've earned and worked for. On the other hand, it forces people to save and solves a societal problem of old people with no savings... However, I guess in the US we have our FICA, SS, and medicare taxes on salary, and those programs seem wildly inefficient. So maybe the Aussies are on to something here.

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