Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Fox Hole

I'm glad I packed that umbrella at the last minute. Yesterday it was raining pretty good after work. After a nice workout, I went out to The Fox Hole. It's a place a block from me that seems pretty cool. Plus, on Tuesdays they have $1 dumplings.

The ambiance is pretty cool inside. I had a glass of wine that wasn't the greatest and decent dumplings. But dang! The music! I'm talking Johnny Be Good and all other kinds of Golden Oldies (they even played "My Ding-a-ling").

I also ordered a Little Creatures Pale Ale. It had a tropical smell, orange peel/tropical fruit taste with a slight bitter finish (almost became a black tea taste as I was finishing it). It was a really refreshing pale ale. To be frank, the hops/craft beers here seem to be pretty mild. I don't mean that totally in a bad way, just an observation. Our craft beers in the States tend to be pretty hoppy and piney (stemming from North American hops like Cascade varietals). Of course, one theory as to why American craft beers are so "over done" is because they're almost like a revolt against the years of terrible beer we had in this country. What do you do if you have years of tasteless beer? You crank it up to ten (or so is the theory in this book I read).

Today (Wednesday) was nothing too crazy. Met up with some people and had Korean BBQ. It was pretty good, although I went after work and was trying desperately not to get anything on my suit (mild success).

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