Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cole's Tuna

It's been a couple days since I've posted. So this Sunday night, I'll do a couple posts. Here's my post related to Friday.

Earlier in the week, I purchased some 90 cent tuna cans for lunch. Pretty good deal. As an added bonus,  there's a ton (tonne?) of different flavors. Never had/seen flavored (flavoured...? no...) tuna before.
From the top: Japanese style, lime and cracked pepper, spring water (nothing fancy), and rosemary and sun-dried tomato (tah-mah-toe).
For lunch on Friday I had the Japanese style and lime & pepper. To be a little frank, flavored tuna is a little weird. I'll keep trying different flavors, but I don't think I'll miss these when I return home to the States.
Next week I'll be working on a large public client. It's one of, if not the, largest jobs in the office. So in that way, it's cool I'm on it. However, it will be long hours (which will be a BIG change of pace for me). On top of that, I've agreed with my manager to get the work assigned to me done by Thursday. That way I can take Friday off and go to New Zealand! Yep, I slightly impulse-decided I'd go to New Zealand this upcoming weekend. It looks like the best weekend for me to go. If I'm going to NZ, I kind of need a Friday off. Otherwise, I only get a day and a half there.
I was thinking of going to Auckland (shout out to my sister who studied abroad there), but everyone told me that it's just a city. Most suggested Queenstown in the south. That's where a lot of skiing is. I don't really feel like going skiing, though. What's this? How about Christchurch? Made Lonely Planet's top 10 cities to visit in 2013 (check out who's #1). Gotta admit, I had no idea it was wiped out by an earthquake in 2011. It's rebuilding and is supposed to be pretty cool. So what the heck? Besides, it was cheaper to go there and soon I'll be able to say I was in NZ. Yet another bonus: the cheapest flight was Emirates Airlines. Tickets were only $430 and apparently this is one of the most luxurious airlines in the world. Glad I booked last minute.
Anyway, after work there was the end of the month party. Had a couple beers (they served James Squire Amber Ale, so I didn't have to settle for more Peronis) then went for Thai food. It was at a place called Shark Hotel (bars are often called hotels because back in the day you had to have rooms if you served alcohol). The restaurant was in the back and is called Holy Basil (bah-zil). Great food, especially the fried ice cream at the end. Reasonable price for drinks, too. We then had the great idea of going to Bar Century. Talk about a dive bar. Full of drunk backpackers, too. Wouldn't make my recommendation list, but it was a fun night out. Didn't want to stay out too late. Headed to the Blue Mountains on Saturday morning (I sense another post coming up...)

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