Thursday, July 11, 2013

Trip to the Grocery Store

This morning I worked out and then headed off to North Sydney to the client I'm assigned to this week. These first two weeks haven't been too bad at all, plus I've been working with another senior. Typically a job will only have 1 senior leading the team in the field, but seeing how I'm kinda new to working in Australia, it makes sense to pair me up. However, with all that firepower we've finished work ahead of schedule so I'll be in the office tomorrow.

ANYway, moving on to something a bit more interesting. I went to Coles after work to do a bit more grocery shopping. I figured I might try to save some money by eating in more. Let me show you some prices (Editor's Note: 1lb = 0.45 kg. So basically divide $/kg by 2 to get the price per pound).

Let's start things off in the produce section, right in front of the store:
Holy crap those apples are ~$3 lb. I ended up picking up some kiwis for $0.50 each. Should be better in Australia, right?

Moving on. Maybe eggs are more reasonably priced.

Dang. $4.45 for a dozen eggs?

I continued my my wanderings and stumbled upon this.

There it is! I heard about vegemite. I gotta try it while I'm here in Sydney. I picked up the smallest bottle they had. I guess you spread it on toast...? I'll have a post dedicated to when I get around to trying this. *Gulp* It's yeast extract??? What does that even mean? Oh man, this can't be good...

I had to grab some more cereal. I thought this was funny, though. Rice Crispies are called something else here.
Next to the cereal was incredibly expensive protein powders and bars. I guess I better just eat right (aka, lots of protein) after my workouts rather than eating a supplement. Getting ripped for my wedding would cost a fortune here.

The cheapest bar is $2.99 each??
And then I saw the coffee aisle. No wonder a tiny "Americano" is $4. Look at these coffee prices!  
That's $8.60 each for what I believe is instant coffee
Don't worry. We're approaching the end (kind of) of my photo documented grocery store trip. Next up is milk. I've been drinking this:

It's that kind of milk that doesn't require refrigeration. At first, I didn't notice anything weird about it. But now that I've been eating cereal with it for over a week, I gotta be honest. The taste is off a bit and not sure how much more I can drink. However, I saw the below milk for basically the same price (above is $1 for 1L and below is $2 for 2L). So I'll be getting this next time I need milk!

OK. As I write this, I realize that running around Coles and checking out prices is probably more entertaining in person rather than reading. Before I wrap this up, here are the cheapest paper towels I could find.

Wow. These are unbelievably terrible. Literally like trying to clean with notebook paper. I guess you get what you pay for.

But finally, I saw this at the store and couldn't pass it up. I knew this was going to be my dinner tonight.

Yep! Kangaroo burgers! Visually, you'll note that it's a really dark red. Reminds me of bison meat. I took these bad boys home and fired up my 1 good pan. I seasoned them with the salt and pepper packs I took from the last fish and chips place I was at (don't judge. I didn't want to buy expense salt and pepper for 3 months).

Gotta have seasoning

Mmm mmm! Smelling and looking good. I swear I detect a slight sweet smell.

Add some cheese and boom! K-burgers.

It definitely has a very distinct taste. Similar to its smell, it tastes a little sweet to me. Enjoyable and if you ever see it, you gotta jump on it try it. (Editor's Note: I'm so sorry)

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