Monday, July 29, 2013


Editor's Note: This has got to be the lamest post yet. It's like the writer is trying to blog about a workday...

Got home a little bit ago from the gym. I suppose nothing really to report from there. Although there was a girl who had a personal trainer, but she kept texting in between sets. This appeared to really annoy the guy (understandable).

Worked until about 6:30pm today. Starting to kick off my Australian busy season. Should be pretty busy the next two weeks.

After work and lifting, I cooked up the remaining kangaroo burgers I purchased (I had frozen half). I've determined that it isn't my favorite meat. Pretty strong flavor. But not terrible.

I also booked my hostel in Christchurch tonight. Now I just need to finalize my itinerary of things I'll be doing. Walking around will be a little trickier. I won't have a functioning cell phone over there. It will be just like old times back when I was studying abroad in Barcelona. Should be a good adventure.

And speaking of phones, my prepaid plan expires today. I assume in 47 minutes I'll no longer be able to text or use data. But not to worry. I can easily recharge it online in the morning.

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