Thursday, July 25, 2013

Royal Baby and Shopping

So it's been a couple days since the royal baby was born. From my American observation, the people in the Common Wealth of Australia... don't really care that much. I mean, it made the news, but I haven't heard one person bring it up or talk about it.

Today is Thursday and that means the stores stay open. There's some great shopping in Sydney. It just strikes me as so strange (I guess un-American?) that the mall and shops close down around 6pm on most nights. But on Thursday, they stay open until around 9pm. Woo hoo!

Today I was on a mission to find a tux dress shirt. I went looking last week at a place called Myer (kind of like a Macy's). They had the shirts, but my size wasn't in. When I was talking to the guy, explaining that I just needed a shirt because I was renting a tux back in the States, he kept using a word I wasn't getting. And I couldn't get it through context. I finally had to ask him and he said "hire." Ooooohhhhh! Hire a tux. In Australia, they use hire instead of rent. I talked to a co-worker and he confirmed this. During this conversation, in bewilderment, he ask, "what do you say when you want to go to a video store and get a movie?" I said, "we say we went a movie." Blew his mind. I guess you would rent an apartment, but other things you would hire. For us, you only hire people.

Anyway, so I thought I would look for more tux shirts options. I think I found I place that would have what I want. Ironically, it was closed today, but I have time to go back.

One store I went to was called David Jones.

Most annoying store ever (Editor's Note: The writer seems to be forgetting about Abercrombie). Similar to a Nordstrom, there are different departments/designers. Unlike Nordstrom, the employees there actually work for the designer, not the store David Jones. So they aren't too terribly helpful (nope, no tux shirts here. What about over there? Nah...).

Moving on, I went into the Queen Victoria Building. Apparently, at one point this building was almost torn down. However, some guy bought it up and turned it into a high-end shopping mall. It even has these cool clocks in it.

I was going to delete this photo, but I took this right at 6 o'clock. The bell startled me. Kinda a cool idea, no? Ehh... maybe not. Here's a clearer photo.

My next mission was to figure out my ring size. I gotta order my wedding band soon. I ended up going to Tiffany's. They use American sizes and I learned I'm a 7. Good knowledge to have.

I then made a quick stop by the St. Mary's Cathedral. Really gorgeous looking church. And I must say, impressed with my phone's low light setting.

That fountain is supposed to be a French-style fountain. According to the tour I took that first week, the guy who had it built was obsessed with all things French.

Flying Buttresses!
Time for bed. Gotta rest up. Another office party tomorrow. Time to celebrate the last Friday of the month (goodness, parties ALL the time in this office).

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