Sunday, July 21, 2013


I made some breakfast at my place today. Made a ham and cheese omelet. Oh, and finally tried Vegemite.

mmm MMM!
From talking with people (who informed me that foreigners do not like Vegemite), you should just put on a little over some butter. I followed this advice and took a bite. I think the next picture sums up the experience.

Yeah... turns out yeast extract doesn't taste that great. To be fair, it wasn't horrible. Just inedible, if that makes sense. It's super salty. I think a hint of smokiness, but not in a good way. Not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of the jar. I'd offer it to a co-worker, but apparently most Aussies don't particularly enjoy it, either.

After breakfast I met up with some more people and went to the Aroma Festival.

There were about a million people at this thing. I started off with a long black coffee for $2. It was tasty. Then I tried a flight of some geisha coffee.

I took a sip and thought I accidentally ordered tea. I asked the guy, and he said geisha coffee is naturally a very different coffee varietal. However, I talked with someone else, and they said this coffee was infused with honey, jasmine, etc. So I'm a little confused. Definitely not what I'm looking for in coffee, but interesting to try.

Finally, we stood in line for over an hour and a half for some spiced Mayan coffee.

It was tasty, but not worth the wait (I doubt any cup of coffee is, but I was just standing talking with people, so no huge deal).

Afterwards, I finally made a quick trip to the botanical gardens. I'll have to go for a run in there.

It's basically just a big, gorgeous park. Lots of plants, ponds, and trails.

Walking home I found this which was a little interesting. These Common Wealth countries really are all about the Queen of England.

Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II planted this tree in 5 Feb 1954
I then had some pizza at Pizza e Birra in Surry Hills (area in Sydney). It was really good. And now I'm back home. Time for bed to start off my Monday.

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