Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Eating Roo (for the first time)

I just got back from The Australian Heritage Hotel. Known for a large variety of pizza and beer (suggested from the guide book Michelle got me). You know a city is expensive when in a guide book, 1 dollar sign means meals are under $40. Well, mine was $33, but that included a beer. And dang, that beer was $8. Booze is really expensive in Australia. I only ordered a schooner (I believe it's pronounced "skooner") which is 15 oz versus a British pint which is 20 oz (those gotta be $10?).

I asked the lady for the most hoppy beer they had, an IPA, and she suggested the McLaren Vale IPA. It was a good beer. Not super bitter and piney like a west coast IPA, but very citrus-y and tropical. I liked it. Way better than the 150 lashes pale ale I ordered the previous night at *shudders* Scary Canary (my intestines still haven't forgiven me...).

Enjoyable IPA
I also ordered a pizza. Of course I got the kangaroo pizza. I mean, I had to, right? Not bad. The pizza had cranberries and peppers, so couldn't totally taste just the kangaroo. However, seemed like really dark meat. Almost like liver. Not very tough, but had a gamey-type texture to it.

Eating Roo...
As I was looking for a place to sit down, a group got up and was leaving. I noticed that the guy left his bag. I informed him, and he was kind of a prick about it. Not even a thank you but got a snotty "wouldn't matter if I left it..." It was odd and very un-Sydney like. I'm telling you, friendly city. Behind Singapore, Sydney has got to be one of the safest cities. I feel totally fine leaving my wallet and phone in my back pockets.

Speaking of phone, got that all sorted out. I now have unlimited Australian texting, 250 minutes, and 500MB of data per month. All for $40 a month. I'm really happy about that.

Going back to earlier in the day, I went to my first client today. It was kind of a half day with me having training in the morning. But felt good to get started doing some actual work. I had to take a train to get there. Nice, clean train with some great views of the water. Sadly, I didn't snap any of the best pictures, but here are a few I took.
View from the train

Nice seats
Station I got off at
One last funny story. As I'm walking towards the escalator, I noticed the guy in front of me is looking at his phone and heads straight towards the wrong escalator (it was going down rather than up). The guy almost fell over upon that first misstep. I had to look away to avoid laughing. Who am I kidding, though. I've got tons of equally embarrassing moments that I've done.

One more day closer to wearing my red, white, and blue tie for the Fourth!

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