Monday, July 8, 2013

My Apartment

I didn't do a whole lot of exciting, blog worthy things today. Woke up. Worked out. Went to work. Ate and did some research for places I want to visit while here (shucks, too bad "ate" doesn't start with "W." Ruined my alliteration).

So I figured it was time to finally share my apartment with you all. When I first showed up, the driver who picked me up handed me my keys to my apartment. He drops me off, I walk into the building, and it's just an inside with 2 elevators. No lobby. No front desk or anything. Hmm... Well, where the heck do I go?

I walked around outside a little to see if the apartment office was next door, but nope. So finally, I remembered a "72" in my address. Ah! I must be apartment #72. So I go up to the 7th floor and there's #72. I try the key (being 90% positive this is the right door...) and it opens! Whew! I'm in!

Now, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the place. I say that carefully, because it is a "free" place in the heart of Sydney. I can't complain too much, you know? But I also can't lie to my beloved blog readers. It took a day or two, but I realized the place felt like one of those lodges my dad and I would rent for one of our hunts. Maybe hunting geese in Pierre, SD.

The place was clearly built in the 60s, maaaybe 70s. Carpet could use replacing...

It also just didn't feel like it was cleaned too terribly well before I came. Heck, I found this card on the counter:

Moving on to the kitchen:

The living room:

That damn iron had a slight nick that snagged my dress shirt
Apparently, few people have cable in Sydney. I'm happy I do. It's nice to have it on as I'm winding down at night or have some news on in the morning.

And above is my bedroom. There is a TV in there and it has a bunch of stations, but they're all Chinese stations for some reason. So I don't watch too much TV in there.

In my bathroom is the washer and dryer. I haven't tried them out yet, but I will soon.

I have to admit, before I came to Australia, a bunch of people sent me articles, videos, and rumors about the dangers of the Land Down Under (go ahead, start typing in "dangerous animals" into Google and see what you get). So when I first got here, I basically looked in all the cupboards, checked out the sofa cushions, and looked through the bedsheets. I didn't want to find this guy or this guy. Thankfully, nothing found so far. I'd love to keep it that way.

Well, time for bed. I'm glad Michelle talked me into packing some warm pajamas. With no heater during the winter, it gets a little cold in here (Editor's Note: at least, no heater that I can see or figure out...).

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